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Make a shit-ton of money promoting online casinos

So, for those of you who are familiar with REALLY black hat affiliate marketing this wouldn't be a huge surprise, but still.
Basically, i think i found the ultimate way to promote online casinos as an affiliate and make huge amounts of money with it, and basically this is by turning lots of people into temporary (or not so temporary) gambling addicts.
Is this immoral? I'm a diagnosed sociopath and i couldn't care less, we're all adults and we're all responsible for our decisions. Is this illegal? No.
Basically, let's first analyze what a gambling addict is and HOW HE THINKS:
The key factor that distinguishes a gambling addict from an enthusiast is that the addict genuinely thinks he can beat the game, he thinks he knows what the next card coming out the deck is going to be, he thinks he knows that the next roll of the slot machine is going to be the one etc.
So, how do you turn random people into gamblers? You PROVE THEM you found an actual method to actually beat the game, and you prove it in an incontestable way just so that nobody can prove you wrong. This is going to cost you some money btw, let's say 500 bucks, but you'll make a lot more in a day so...
Basically, here's what you do:
1) You create a fake Baypal balance, just log into your Baypal account and select the values, right click, then "inspect". Now you can edit whatever you want and create a fake balance showing fake payments from whatever company you want (name of the casino, will explain later, but you have to put money in the casino, lose some, and then get it back on Baypal so that you know the exact name that will appear when you receive payments). This would only be illegal only if you were selling the method, but you're going to give it away for free (because it's not a method) so no worries.
2) Once you have the fake Baypal set up you record the screen and start talking, say stuff like "Hey everyone i'm recording this video to show you this INSANE method i just found to make money online, i wouldn't believe this because they told me it was a method to make a lot of money easily, but i tried it and wow, this is crazy. BLA BLA BLA. I'm a MATH graduate and i couldn't get a job anywhere, let alone a well paid job. BLA BLA BLA."
3) You then start talking about the money you made while moving your cursor ONTO the numbers so that people will see it's not a screenshot that you could've photoshopped because the page is interacting, because it's a real page, just edited. You basically just say stuff like “so you can see my balance now is 36k which is not all the money i made in this past month/month and a half, you can see i received these payments here, i was testing it first, made the first 221,64 bucks here, then 743,85 (remember not-so-perfect numbers have more impact), then i started doing this seriously and we got to 4k, 13k, and 28k today.”
4) You then keep talking for a bit about how crazy this is and it has changed your life, make sure the whole talk lasts about 3-4mins, then say “let’s not waste any time here, let me show you how this works”. And you stop recording. This will be the first part of the video just save it as it is, you’ll find out why later.
5) Open up whatever online casino you’re going to promote (will discuss on how to get your affiliate link later) on which you already loaded 50 euros or dollars, then start recording again, this will be the second part of the video, but people will not even notice the cut.
Say “this method works in online casinos. Okay i know what you’re thinking, don’t worry this is not one of those black-red tricks that don’t work, they’re scams and we all know that, this is a new method and works, as you saw on my Baypal, but i will show it to you live. Please remind most online casinos are not functional for this method because they will find a way to block you after you keep winning all the time, check the description for the link to this one that i’m using which is the very best. so, let’s go to the roulette section and pick french roulette. this is our workplace, i guess everyone knows how roulette works, but here we’re not trying to get lucky, we’re following a precise sequence which is this one *show sequence image at this point* (which is basically Red Black Red Red Black Black in cycles) and i’ll put a link for this too. Here’s how it works:”
So, you have to apply this cycle while placing your bets, this cycle actually kinda works, but it just makes your chances of winning slightly above 50%, it’s nothing special, but looks like it. What you do is you keep betting the colors of the cycle all the time, while explaining what you’re doing with confidence, betting 0,10€ at a time, saying this is exactly where you started from. If you win you place the minimum bet again, if you lose you double up, if you lose again you double up again, but you keep following the sequence as a cycle.
Explain that this is the classic double-up, but it’s very different because YOU HAVE A PRECISE SEQUENCE THAT CAN’T BE REVERSE-FOLLOWED ALL THE TIME, and thus is 100% winning, all of this while proving it, while still suggesting the more you bet the more money you make.
This might go very wrong and you’d end up wasting 50€, if that happens (took me 6 trys, 300€, to get the right one) record this part of the video from scratch and load 50 more euros, as i said this will cost you money. When you get the right shot and get to let’s say 51€, point out that you just made 1€ in a couple mins, starting from 0,10, which is A LOT, point that out clearly.
6) If step 4 went correctly now say “so, i think you’ve figured out how this works but let me prove you this works for real, i’ll set a stopwatch, do it for a while speeding up the video so that you see what i’m doing, and i’ll be right back” then proceed to activate a stopwatch, go back to the casino page for a couple seconds and CUT the video.
7) Now, in post-production, you’ll take the part where you explained the method and use that video while speeding it up very quickly.
8) Go back to the casino, try until you win one bet so that it will show (that’s really hard to edit), then edit your balance to around 56€. Start the stopwatch again from 0:00, and go back to the casino page.
9) When 5 mins or so have passed start recording FROM THE CASINO PAGE, go the the stopwatch, stop it, and say “so that was 5 mins”. Go back to the casino page and show you are now at 56€, say “we made 5 more euros, and that was 5 minutes, let’s calculate how much WE WOULD’VE MADE if i kept going for an hour.” Pull out whatever calculator you want and divide euros by minutes (in this case 5 divided by 5, could be different in your case depending on what you decide to do) in this case it will show 1€ a minute, multiply x60 and say “guys, 60€ an hour, i know people are getting jobs for like 7€ an hour or less, let’s see how much that’d be if i kept doing it for 8 hours, that’s 480€. In a few days that will be a month of salary, and that’s with 0,10 bets, can you imagine what that would be if we made 1€ bets? this is insane.”
10) Pull out a table you previously created, showing bets, expected earnings and SAFETY RATIOS (totally made up).
Basically, 0,10 lost bets doubling up 9 times (which will look very very rare if step 4 went correctly) will require a 51,20€ balance for ABSOLUTE certainty, 25,20€ for VERY GOOD CERTAINTY and 6,40€ for GOOD CERTAINTY, create the rest of the board according to other bet options. Then on a side of the board show hourly and monthly potential earnings working 2 hours a day, so let’s say 60€ an hour as in hour example (point out that you usually go faster than what you did during the chronometer) and this will result in 3.600€ a month with 2 hours a day.
Explain the table and talk about the great earnings you can achieve with just 0,10 bets or 0,20 bets with just 2 hours a day, and then talk about the earnings you can achieve with higher bets, that REQUIRE CERTAINTY. Say “How do you get certainty, with a higher balance, here’s what we have, for 0,10 bets 6,40€ is good certainty, 25,20 is very good certainty and 51,20 is absolute certainty”. Suggest people to do 1€ bets (that require 512€ for absolute certainty) because they will be able to make 36k a month with just 2 hours IF THEY DO THIS SLOWLY, one hour if they do it faster. Keep discussing the huge earnings they can achieve, and point out you achieved a lot more and that the table underestimates it, as they saw in your Baypal. do some small talk for a while, the whole videos should be 15-20mins long.
11) End the whole video by saying “guys, i’m not joking this is for real, you’ve seen my Baypal, you’ve seen me do this right in front of you, it works, you’ll see for yourself, i’ll put the WEBSITE LINK (avoid saying “go play now” or phrases that directly encourage gambling) and the FREE DOWNLOAD link for the sequence in the description, i changed my life and got my dream life and you can do this too, dreams are not dreams anymore, they’re goals that you can achieve, bye!”
So, this is how you create the gambler-maker video that will turn random people into real gamblers. The cool thing is that the lowest “absolute certainty” balance is 51,20 but they can’t deposit 51,20 because they will be able to deposit 50, so if they comment the video saying they lost their money say the didn’t listen to you and needed 51,20. They will then refill their balance. Lots of people will do the same with the 512 balance. Delete upset comments if they don’t take any “advice” and place some “this changed my life” and “1000€ in 2 hours easiest money of my life” comments with fake profiles during the first week or two.
Most online casinos will pay you a 20% commission on deposits when you’re first starting out as an affiliate and will go to even 300% CPA on deposits, meaning a 500 deposit will make you a 1.500€ commission, or something like that depending on the one you choose.
The problem with them is that they will be very upset if they found out you’re promoting their casino this way (but will enjoy the money) so before you apply for their affiliate program here’s what you do:
You go to Blu3host and purchase 2 domains and hosting for each, about 70 bucks for each (will last 1 year) call one something like “makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m” and the other one “casinofunreviews(DOT)c0m”.
Use Blu3host because it has integrated wordpress.
Log into casinofunrevi3ws(DOT)c0m and log into wordpress, go to plugins and search for “pretty links” install that plugin (the logo is a start with blue lines behind it like a comet) what this plugin does is it CLOAKS your link, not for people, but for the casino, this is to make sure the casino thinks you’re promoting them in a legit way. Anyway, with the Prettylinks plugin you can create redirects like “casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino” will immediately redirect to the casino with your affiliate link, you can figure this out very very easily when you have Prettylinks in front of you.
Now, you still don’t have your affiliate link so you’ll only do this when you get it, here’s what you do. Click on “add post” and write a post about a game like “book of ra” making a fake review saying it looks good and it fun to play overall and rate it 7/10 or something and bla bla bla, add a picture of it and that’s it. Do this for a couple more games always WITHOUT ENCOURAGING GAMBLING, they have to look like posts aimed at sunday-gamblers who do it for fun.
When you ask for your application as an affiliate they will ask you for an url, send them your perfectly legit friendly gambling blog (casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m) when they approve you and you get the link create the redirect like casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino or something like that
Now go to your other domain (makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m) and basically only write one post writing “link to the website” (create hyperlink to your redirect link, NOT YOUR AFFILIATE LINK, so that the text “link to the website” sends to casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino) and “link to the sequence” that you will upload somewhere for free download and create an hyperlink for that too.
In the video description type “for the website link and download link click h3re: makethatdr3ammoneynow(DOT)c0m” and they will land on your website that just presents them the 2 hyperlinks and that’s it. Perfect.
Then go back to casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m and create a new post and talk about the casino you’re an affiliate of, review it and say it looks very good, good design and all and very fun games, and create an hyperlink for it in the post, right on their name, like, if the casino’s name is “bananacasinogummybear” you write “so, i’ve recently played some games on bananacasinogummybear…. bla bla bla” and the hyperlink sends to “casinofunr3views(DOT)c0m/casino” AGAIN.
The purpose of all this thing is that the casino will see where the new subscribers come from, if you put the redirect right on youtube they’d know you’re using youtube, and they would only have to google the link to find your video. If you do this like i explained to you they will see the traffic is coming from the super legit blog you showed them. THIS IS VERY VERY IMPORTANT.
So, this was my very black hat and highly manipulative way to make lots of money quickly af (just create a fake fb profile, search gambler-games-related pages and add a few people and post a status saying “i will post a video showing you a crazy method to makes lots of money, ask your dearest friends to add me” and keep adding people too, just spam a bit, it will go kinda viral very quickly (because the method kinda looks like it really works, but it doesn’t, so people will be sharing your video even after trying for themselves)
Make sure you make the youtube video “not listed” if you want to be really safe, because even thought this is legal it’s really immoral, and i suggest you to take it down after you made enough money to start a morally legit business, make sure the video doesn’t go super viral or you’ll be forever known in history as the scammer guy, trust me, you might end on tv sooner than you think, so make sure you take everything down if the views start getting out of hand, and my best advice is to take it down anyway after making 200k out of this, that’s enough money to start an insanely profitable online business very easily, a business that would make you 50k a month too, but morally.
I don’t care about morality, but being tagged as a scammer won’t be good for you, so avoid that at all costs.
Enjoy the money you’ll be making by tricking a casino into thinking you're just an amateur blogger who has fun playing games while in reality you're turning strangers into gambling addicts (even tho most people will quit after wasting a grand or so, sometimes less, a grand could be 3k commissions for you tho) and don’t start gambling yourself, the method doesn’t work, i can guarantee, just looks like it if you’re lucky enough to get it on video. it’s just like the dudeperfect videos or the yeahigotskills guy, those are not 1st try shots, but look like it.
ONE LAST THING: make sure you crop the video so that it doesn’t show the url of the casino so that even the smart guys will have to click on your link, when they get there they will just be too lazy and join through your affiliate link anyway.
submitted by MrRob20 to ImmoralHussler [link] [comments]

Wallacebet Casino - gratis spins, free bonus, no deposit required

Open your account with Wallacebet Casino and enjoy 35 free spins without deposit! Additionally, take advantage of 100% up to 600 EUR or 110% up to 3000 EUR welcome bonus. Also, there are weekly promotions such as cashback, free bets, tournaments, and more....
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Wallacebet Casino Review

Fresh in the businesses, Wallacebet casino offers more than just an ordinary gaming experience. Licenced in Malta, the casino offers fast and efficient support, and caters for both the regular casino player, and the high roller. Whether you’re into slots, live casino or sports, there’s something for everyone.
Wallacebet casino offers an all-round personalised experience, starting off with three extremely generous welcome offers to choose from!

Wallacebet Casino Bonuses and Promotions

Our Wallacebet casino reviewers can honestly say that the site leaves nothing to be desired when it comes to the bonuses it offers. You’ll be started off with a selection of three welcome bonuses. The first two are casino deposit bonuses – one for regular rollers and another for high rollers, which they call their VIP Casino Bonus. If you’re more of a sports fan, Wallacebet casino also offer a generous sports welcome bonus as their third option. The question is – which one are you going to choose?
The fun continues with daily cashbacks in the casino. Our Wallacebet online casino review team discovered that you will be given 10% of your losses back every day as a casino bonus. And if you’re more of a sports player, you’ll be given 10% of your losses at the end of each week as a FREEBET bonus. Now that’s what we call a customer-first approach.
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Software and Other Games

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Are you a music fan? Then Guns N’ Roses may be the way to go. Or dare to enter the House of Doom for a horror experience. Go classic and juicy with Berry Burst or take a dive into ancient Egyptian culture with Riches of Ra. Whatever your taste or mood, you’re guaranteed to find something to get you spinning.
Want a bigger payout? Then head over to one of the many jackpot slots our Wallacebet online casino review team found on site. Join the Jackpot Builders of Playboy™ Gold Jackpots for a chance to win a life-changing prize.
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Our Wallacebet casino review team also found an extensive sports section. Powered by Soft Construct, the lobby hosts over 35 sports categories, including virtual sports. Their live calendar showcases 1,200+ sports events within a 72-hour period, so you just know you’ll be able to bet on your favorite team.

Banking and Cashouts

While conducting our review of Wallacebet casino, our team discovered more than ten payment methods for you to choose from. Whether you feel more comfortable with Neteller, ecoPayz, or other well-known mediums such as Trustly, you’re sure to find something that suits your needs and is also available in your country.
Whilst depositing is relatively easy, you will need to verify yourself in order to withdraw your funds. This can easily be done in advance by submitting the required documents. Wallacebet casino uses SSL encryption, so you can rest assured that all your documents will be processed securely.
Our Wallacebet online casino review experts recommend doing this as soon as possible, not only to avoid longer waiting times, but also to comply with anti-money laundering regulations. Doing this also complies with the Malta Gaming Authority regulations. Casinos that take security seriously are always a plus in our books, as it shows reliability.
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Customer Support at Wallacebet Casino

We checked out the support options for you, and our Wallacebet casino reviewers were pleased to find numerous options for you to choose from. With a selection of FAQs, live chat and email options, you’re sure to find one that you’re comfortable with.
You’ll find the FAQs by scrolling down to the footer of the page. Clicking on the tab will take you to an extensive FAQ page where you can find answers to questions related to sports betting and terminology, casino gameplay and much more.
If your question is still unanswered, you can contact the live chat to receive answers in real time. You can access this by clicking on the Wallace chat bubble that follows you around, discretely placing itself in the bottom right corner of your screen. Our Wallacebet online casino review experts were very satisfied with the friendly and efficient service they received. Thumbs up from us, especially since the customer support team is multi-lingual!
The only downside to the live chat is that they are only available between 09:00 and 01:00 CET every day. However, if you need assistance outside these hours, the Wallacebet casino customer support team invites you to send them an email. A customer support agent will get back to you as soon as they are back at their desks.

Our Summary of Wallacebet Casino

Despite being new to the industry, our Wallacebet casino review team thinks that this site has really gone all out to provide a safe and fun place to play. Their support is not only efficient, but is provided in several languages, their game catalogue is massive, and they even thought of sports fans.
And when it comes to bonuses and promotions, the casino seems to just keep on giving and giving. You can really tell they want to personalise your experience, starting from the selection of three welcome bonuses – there’s one for everyone!
So, what are you waiting for? Sign up to Wallacebet casino and claim your welcome bonus today!
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Race Casino 100% bonus + 10% cashback + free spins

Race Casino 100% bonus + 10% cashback + free spins

Race Casino Welcome Bonus & Review
Try your luck at Race Casino - new Pay N Play casino with a registration option! Our new players receive a 100% bonus up to 100 EUR plus 10% cashback on every deposit. In addition, some customers will qualify for 100 free spins on slot machines!!!
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Race Casino: play real money in no time

Race Casino uses the groundbreaking technology Pay’N’Play, a real game changer in the online casino world. With this revolutionary innovation players are allowed to instantly deposit and withdraw real money in their favourite online casinos.
Are you asking yourself what’s the big deal? This is very simple: thanks to this innovation you can forget about that boring registration processes, about saving passwords all over the place and most importantly.. about wasting your time with lengthy registrations before you can start playing real money in an online casino site.
The provider of this innovative technology is Trustly, the company which has come up with a new approach to the registration system. This works in a very simple way: Trustly collects the necessary data from your bank account, while creating a virtual account on the background in order to store that data. This way, you can simply click and play, no hassle needed, no passwords and no commitment. Just have fun with your favourite Megaways Slots, available to you in no time.
Not interested in using Trutsly? That’s ok too, at Race Casino you can use all the usual payment methods as well. You can choose among the most popular credit cards like Mastercard, Visa and prepaid cards, as well as PayPal, Neteller and other e-wallets.
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Bonuses and Promotions at Race Casino

Bonuses and promotions, together with a fast and convenient payment system, allows you to fully enjoy your gaming experience at Race Casino. This being a new star in the online gambling constellation, you will find they have very generous bonuses, allowing you to enjoy a great gaming experience from the first second.
Here you can enjoy a fantastic Match Bonus of 100% up to 100£/€ or 1000KR. This match bonus lets you start your gaming experience with a completely different flavour. With this promotion you can explore games for free and try your luck before your start using your real money credit.
That is surely not enough for a brand new site like Race Casino, which has indeed an additional promotion, 10% cashback always. You will get back 10% of your losses (if any) straight to your account the day after you have played. There is no limit to this promotion, which is very convenient for all players, high rollers included!

A wide selection of Games: Live Casino and Video-Slots

On top of finding Megaways Slots, the most entertaining slots available to players right now, at Race casino you have the chance of having fun with hundreds of other games. Starting from a wide selection of video-slots. Here you have the chance of playing with NetEnt’s classics like Gonzo’s Quest, Fruit Shop or Divine Fortune. On top of that, you can also try some classic fruit slot from Amatic, or having a good time with Book of Ra Deluxe, the greatest success in online slots of all times.
Not interested in video slots? You might want to try your luck in the live casino section. Here players can enjoy the experience of playing in real time with a professional dealer, available 24/7. Here we recommend games by Evolution Gaming such as Lightning Roulette, Lightning Dice and Monopoly Live. This are games that are going to completely change your online experience!
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Customer Support

Race casino is an online casino site dedicated to players in Finland and Sweden. Here you can find a 24/7 client support service that can help you with all your needs. If you had a malfunction, or if you are not completely sure how Trustly and the Pay’N’Play technology work, just give them a call or drop them a line. You can receive support and forget about problems in no time!

What we think about Race Casino

Race Casino is one of the best Play'N'Play casinos out there. It has a fantastic design and a fresh approach to online gaming. On top of that it has a huge offer of Megaways Slots and a fantastic customer support active 24/7.
submitted by freespinsbonus to u/freespinsbonus [link] [comments]

15 Most Famous Slot Machines and Most Popular Slot Games

1. Liberty Bell

Invented and designed by a San Francisco mechanic named Charles Fey in 1895, the Liberty Bell is the first slot machine. The main symbols here include horseshoes, stars, spades, diamonds, hearts, and Liberty Bells. Once three bells are aligned, the machine pays 50 cents.
Having a coin slot at the top, it features small reels in the middle and a paytable at the bottom. It works like this - players insert a Nickel and pull a lever on the right-hand side to spin the reels. Although the Operator Bell and Liberty Bell have been removed from casinos, the original Liberty Bell on display can be seen in the Liberty Belle saloon in Reno, Nevada.

2. Lion's Share

One of the most famous slot machines, Microgaming’s classic slot Lion's Share, gained a lot of success back in 2014, due to news channels that discussed the topic on how Lion's Share's progressive jackpot hasn’t been hit for two decades. Thousands of people have tried but no one was lucky enough to pull it off.
Although the machine only featured 3 reels and only 1 payline, Lion’s Share has managed to become one of the most popular releases in Vegas, so popular that people waited in line just to put a coin into it and try spinning those reels.
Eventually, a New Hampshire couple hit the $2.4 million progressive jackpot in MGM’s Grand’s Lion’s Share. Soon after, MGM Grand made a decision to retire the Lion's Share machine since it required a lot of maintenance. Still, the game became part of slot history with a jackpot that took 20 years to win.

3. Megabucks

Created by IGT, Megabucks has managed to become one of the world's best progressive slot machines. The game is also responsible for numerous big wins throughout the entire jackpots’ history. Also known as the biggest money jackpots of all time, Megabucks slot machines are described as simple games with a massive progressive jackpot. One of the biggest wins was when an anonymous engineer won a staggering $39.7 million at Las Vegas' Excalibur, back in 2003.
As for the other big wins hit on this machine, there was a cocktail waitress Cynthia Jay Brennan who snagged an incredible $34.9 million at Vegas' Desert Inn, as well as a retired flight attendant hitting $27.5 million at Vegas' Palace Statio­n. J­ohanna Huendl won $22.6 million whereas an Illinois businessman hit $21.3 million on the very first spin.
However, after winning the prize, one of the winner's family members had a tragic accident, which (as some believe) only supported the theory of a Megabucks curse. Other unfortunate stories are just believed to be urban legends, including anecdotes about underage players, as well as casino employees, being big winners but not being able to claim their jackpots because of specific state laws and regulation.

4. Wheel of Fortune

IGT’s Wheel of Fortune has proven to be the second most famous slot machine of all time. Featuring a bonus feature just like the real show, the slot machine is usually played by many slot fans and can be found in numerous casinos all over the globe. Although the game comes in more variations, probably the most popular one is still its 3-reel version, with a colourful wheel at the top.
The Wheel of Fortune multiplayer game features a bank of machines where every player gets their own screen. What makes the game even more exciting is the multiplayer edition where people can play the bonus round together, which really intensifies the game show aspect.
In a 5-reel Wheel of Fortune slot, however, Wild symbols will help players land winning combos and, if you’re lucky enough, you may get a Super Wild that will boost your win up to 5x! Last but not least, the Triple Action Bonus is activated by getting at least 3 Triple Action Bonus symbols anywhere on the reels. But still, none of the newer Wheel of Fortune slots measure up to the original one because of the large progressive jackpot involved.

5. Mega Fortune

Featuring 5 reels and 25 paylines, NetEnt’s Mega Fortune slot became very popular among players as it usually grows into a multimillion-euro amount before being hit. The main symbols here include luxury cars, yachts, and expensive jewellery, Mega Fortune is an online slot machine game which justifies its theme that comes with the largest ever online slot jackpots.
The game offers a few different features that make the entire gameplay more fascinating, however, by far the most interesting ones are the 3 different progressive jackpots: Mega Jackpot, Major Jackpot and Rapid Jackpot. There are counters for all 3 of these that are displayed above the reels. Champagne is the Scatter and if you land at least 3 of them simultaneously, you will trigger Free Spins bonus round. Likewise, Wheel of Luck is the Bonus symbol, and if you land 3 or more symbols in succession from left to right on an active payline, you will activate the Bonus game.
What’s interesting about this slot is the fact that a Finnish man won a huge jackpot worth €17.8 million while spinning the reels of Mega Fortune. This record from 2013, has been passed by Mega Moolah, but the game is still proof how rich players can get after playing Mega Fortune.

6. Mega Moolah

Powered by Microgaming and being among most popular slot games, Mega Moolah is a 25-payline progressive slot which has served as a competitor to Mega Fortune's big jackpots. Followed by African safari music, the game features antelopes, elephants, giraffes, lions, monkeys and zebras as the main symbols.
Landing at least 3 Scatters at the same time will trigger 15 Free Spins. What’s more, all wins hit during Free Spins are tripled, whereas Free Spins can also be retriggered. Players can win one of the 4 Progressive Jackpots within the randomly triggered Bonus round.
The game paid some of the largest slot machine jackpots that have ever been triggered. In 2015,for example, Mega Moolah gained international recognition when a British soldier Jon Heywood won a massive €17,879,645.

7. Cleopatra

Inspired by the famous Egyptian theme and Developed by IGT, Cleopatra is a 20-payline classic game that managed to stand out above similar releases. Featuring ancient Egyptian music, the main symbols here include Cleopatra, the Eye of Horus, scarabs, and pyramids. Landing at least 3 Sphinx symbols will trigger the Cleopatra Bonus, which awards 15 Free Spins. All prizes, except for the 5 Cleopatra symbols, are tripled in the Free Spins round.
The game has been so successful that it inspired its creators to make a sequel, Cleopatra II, with richer graphics and engaging sound effects. But even if you choose the original game, you'll be playing a classic that's still enjoyed by various players today. And, in case you land 5 Cleopatra symbols you’ll get a jackpot of 10,000 coins.

8. Book of Ra

Having a popular Ancient-Egypt theme, Book of Ra has always been one of the best choices to play in land based and online casinos. Powered by Novomatic, Book of Ra is a 9 payline video slot that offers plenty of bonus features and big payouts. With entertaining narrative and energising gameplay, there are numerous ways to win here.
In case you land 5 archaeologists simultaneously, you’ll get an impressive 5,000x your line bet. Earning big bucks, however, comes from the Free Spins feature. What players need to do is land at least 3 Scatter books to trigger the Free Spins feature. Pages of the book will flip and randomly determine which symbol will expand during the 10 Free Spins.
Although hitting the jackpot may not be easy, with only a few one in between, when big wins come, they can be big.

9. Starburst

There’s no denying NetEnt’s Starburst slot became kinda legendary in the iGaming universe. With its dark background and shiny space looking gemstones, Starburst slot features 5 reels and 10 paylines. The well-known futuristic music in this release is also easily noticeable, as is the game’s expanding Wild.
More precisely, the Wilds may only occur on the reels 2, 3 and 4, and, once 1 or more wilds appear on those reels, the Starburst Wild feature will be activated. During this feature, Starburst wilds expand to cover the entire reel and remain while the other reels re-spin. Should a new wild land during a re-spin, it expands and stays along with any previously expanded Starbursts for another re-spin.
Another cool feature is that Starburst pays both ways, instead of only paying you for landing at least 3 identical symbols on adjacent reels starting with the reel furthest to the left. The maximum single spin payout for a person (betting the $200 maximum) is $100,000. But, in order for that to happen, you must land five bars on consecutive reels on an active payline. Players love this slot, probably because it’s suitable for both newbies and experienced players.

10. Immortal Romance

Powered by Microgaming, Immortal Romance is based on sci-fi and the cult of Vampires which has become one of the popular casino slot machines in the last couple of years. Apart from superb graphics and great audio and visual effects, the slot features 5 reels and 243 paylines, and the theoretical RTP rate of 96.86%. The four main characters are Amber, Troy, Michael and Sarah.
When it comes to features and bonus games, Immortal Romance offers different variants. Wild Desire feature can occur randomly, and as soon as it does, it can turn 1 to 5 reels completely Wild. Likewise, landing 3 or more Scatters anywhere on the reels in this game, activates the Chamber of Spins feature which cannot be triggered during Wild Desire.
The game is still among the most popular slots, as many players still try their luck in this slot in the hope to get the highest multiplier possible.

11. Gonzo’s Quest

Beautifully designed video slot powered by NetEnt, Gonzo Quest features 5 reels and 20 paylines. The story is based on the famous conquistador Gonzalo Pizzaro who is on his way to the Peruvian ruins and just about to experience the unique quest.
Now, Gonzo’s Quest has become one of the most popular slot games of all time, probably because it comes with a few interesting features, Avalanche Multipliers feature being the most interesting one of all. In Essence, the reels in the slot move in a cascading manner which resemble an Avalanche. As you activate each new Avalanche, you will win a multiplier. Multipliers are displayed above the reels, and go up to 5x, that is if you land 4 or more avalanches simultaneously.

12. Age of the Gods

Being among famous slot machines and inspired by Ancient Greek mythology, Age of the Gods is a 5-reel, 20-payline progressive slot powered by Playtech. The main characters are Athena, Zeus, Hercules, and Poseidon power up 4 free game modes that offer extra wilds and win multipliers! Once you start spinning, you’ll come across a series of bonus features, such as Athena Free Games, Zeus Free Games, Poseidon Free Games and Hercules Free Games.
Wild logo is the game’s wild card and it substitutes for all symbols, with the exception of the Scatter. Landing at least 3 Scatters anywhere on the reels simultaneously triggers the Bonus game. Moreover, landing 5 God symbols in any order on an active payline will get you 200x your line bet!
During the main game, any spin can activate the Age of the Gods Mystery Jackpot. This mini game guarantees a win of up to 4 progressive jackpots. All you gotta do is click on the coins to reveal jackpot symbols, and if you match 3 identical ones, you will win that jackpot.

13. Money Honey

Having a cute theme, Money Honey is a 5-reel and a 243 payline slot themed around honey. With Wilds, Free Spins, Scatters and multipliers, it is a fast-paced exciting creation featuring vibrant colours. Likewise, it is a mobile-optimized slot which may be an excellent choice if you’re new to online gambling or if you’ve been playing for years.
Just like in other games, Wilds will help you win payouts as they are able to replicate most other symbols on the reels once a winning combination has been made. Another symbol you may want to keep your eyes on is a Money Wheel card. Once you manage to land at least 3 of them on your reels after a spin, the bonus game begins, and you spin a big wheel to choose a prize.

14. Quick Hit

And our selection wouldn’t be complete without Bally's Quick Hit slot. Featuring traditional Las Vegas symbols with sharp graphics and relaxed music, the video slot has 5 reels, 3 rows, and 30 paylines. Once you decide how many paylines you want to bet on, your gaming adventure can begin. There are Scatters symbols and three bonus games to benefit from.
The biggest payout here comes from landing the triple seven symbol. Should you land 5 of these lucky numbers on the reels at the same time, you will win 5,000 coins, whereas if you land five wild symbols, you’ll get 12,500 coins.
Those looking for hitting a jackpot should pay attention to Quick Hit Platinum symbols as 5 of these contribute to 5,000x players’ original bet amount – and even more, with the max bet activated. The second-highest jackpot can be hit by landing 9 Quick Hit Slot symbols. Both the Quick Hit Platinum and regular Quick Hit symbols must occur on or within one position of the first payline to be eligible for a jackpot win.

15. SlotZilla Zip Line

And now something completely different. We’re finishing our selection of famous slots in style, with the world’s largest slot machine - StotZilla Zip Line - 128 feet tall which has two take-off levels. This $12 million SlotZilla zip line took more than a year to build and opened its doors in 2014 and has already had more than 2 million riders so far.
The 11-story slot machine is decorated with over-sized dice, a glass of martini, a pink flamingo, video reels, coins, and two showgirls - Jennifer and Porsha. SlotZilla offers two different rider experiences - the upper Zoomline and a lower Zipline. This unique machine has a huge video screen with reels and a gigantic arm, replicating a true slot machine experience.
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Slots Not On Gamstop

Slots Not On Gamstop

Non Gamstop Slots

>>Check out best casinos not on gamstop<<
Enjoying your favourite casino game freely has become a bit more of a harder task in the UK due to the latest and stricter regulations by the UK Gambling Commission. Since you are here, you probably know what this is all about. Yes, we are talking about the new rules when it comes to gambling and GamStop self-exclusion programme. If you want to learn a bit more about all of it and whether there is something you can do to play slots not registered with GamStop, then stick with us.
Note that we are not here to encourage problem gamblers to play nor do we recommend anyone who has even a slight problem with gambling to continue reading this text. If you are dealing in any way with the loss of control over your gambling habits, we recommend seeking help. There are plenty of organizations dealing with problem gambling you can turn to such as GamCare, Gamblers Anonymous, BeGambleAware, etc.
>>A list of the best non gamstop casinos<<
We are here to provide information on where you can enjoy casino games freely. If you want to know where you can enjoy slots not on GamStop or play slots with Bonus Buy feature active, for example, then continue reading and learn more about what offshore online casino has to offer.
best casinos not blocked by gamstop

What Is GamStop – In What Way Does It Restrict Players?

You probably know this, but let’s quickly run through the essentials. GamStop is the UK’s national self-exclusion scheme aimed at preventing problem gambling in the UK. And how does it work? Well, whoever signs up with GamStop will be banned from any online casino or gambling site based in the UK for as long as the self-exclusion period lasts and if you don’t know how it precisely works, then sometimes even more.
When you are signing up with GamStop, you get to choose for how long you want to be self-excluded: six months, one year, or 5 years. During that period, the players will have not access to any UK-based gambling site. This goes for them all: casinos, betting sites, bingo sites, lottery, etc. - just everything gambling-related. Now, once the period expires, the players are not immediately granted access to online casinos again. No, the self-exclusion remains in force until the players go back to GamStop and ask for the exclusion to be removed and undergo the process of leaving the programme.
Now, while on GamStop, there is no way to cancel the programme or get any access to any of UK-based online casinos. This is because the UKGC has forced every single one of the UK-based online casinos and gambling sites to join GamStop. So, how can you actually enjoy your favourite slots machines not on GamStop?

Online Slots Not On GamStop

top slots not blocked by gamstop
To get all the benefits of playing slots not registered with GamStop, all that needs to be done is finding a good international or offshore online casino not on GamStop. And the best thing is that we here have already prepared a few picks we found to be the best for playing slot machines and other casino games, as well.
International online casinos not on GamStop are just regular online casinos just like the UK ones you are used to playing at. The slight difference lays in the license these offshore casinos hold. And this slight difference actually makes a big difference. You will see what we are talking about in just a sec.

What Are The Benefits of Joining Slot Sites Not On GamStop?

There are quite a few advantages or benefits of playing at slot sites not registered with GamStop. First of all, there is no any GamStop limitation as offshore slot sites or online casinos are not licensed by the UK Gambling Commission but by other licensing authorities, which means that they are not forced to join GamStop self-exclusion scheme. As long as offshore slot sites not on GamStop accept players from the UK, you will have the freedom to enjoy the pools of slot machines not on GamStop freely.
Secondly, welcome bonus offers are quite richer in offshore online casinos. In the UK, sign-up bonuses are a bit scanty as the UKGC has put limitations on them, too. However, at slot sites not on GamStop, you can enjoy a variety of rich sign-up as well as regular bonus offers.
For example, at Fortune Clock casino you will get as much as 50 FREE SPINS No Deposit Bonus for just signing up at the casino. And that’s not all, as after you play off your free free spins, your first deposits will be generously rewarded with a rich match up bonus along with extra free spins. That’s just one of the examples of bonuses that you can expect at non GamStop online casinos. There’s plenty more to explore!
Finally, without the UKGC limitations on slot machines, at non GamStop online casinos, slot machines are by no means stripped off their features. Here, we are talking about slot machines with Bonus Buy or Feature Drop options. Just as you know, in the UK, Bonus Buy options are banned from slots. But slots not on GamStop come without such a limitation.

Bonus Buy Slots Not On GamStop

Bonus Buy or Feature Drop or Buy Pass option, whatever you want to call it, is an option in slot machines that allows you to purchase your way to the main Bonus round of the game. This is a great option incorporated in slot machines for those players who like to play big or are just inpatient and like to explore the Bonus rounds of the slots right away. In the UK, thanks to the UKGC, these options in slot machines that are created with it, are not available. Luckily, at slots not registered with GamStop will not deny you this pleasure.
For example, the popular Blueprint Gaming Fishin’ Frenzy slot machine originally comes with Bonus Buy option. This option allows you to directly enter the Free Spins Bonus round for a certain price without having to wait for those scatters to align on the reels. Apart from Fishin Frenzy not on GamStop, there is plenty of other bonus buy slots you can freely enjoy. Here are some of the most popular Feature Buy slots not on GamStop you can enjoy at non GamStop online casinos:


Slot Machine Provider Bonus Buy Price RTP %
Fishin’ Frenzy Megaways Blueprint Gaming x100 96.01%
Sweet Bonanza Pragmatic Play x100 96.50%
White Rabbit Not on GamStop Big Time Gaming x100 97.30%
Medusa Megaways NextGen x100 96.28%
Extra Chilli Not on GamStop Big Time Gaming x50 96.52%
Fat Santa Push Gaming x80 96.45%
Punk Rocker Not on GamStop Nolimit City x80-x243 96.45%
Vikings Unleashed Megaways Blueprint Gaming x25-x100 96.50%
Rainbow Riches Megaways Not on GamStop Barcrest x100 95.90%
Money Train Relax Gaming x80 96.20%

The Variety Of Slots Not On GamStop To Enjoy

At slot sites not on GamStop, you can enjoy plenty of slot machines. There is absolutely any kind of slot machine from classic ones to modern and feature-packed ones. Of course, you won’t miss some of the most popular slot machines such as NetEnt Starburst not on gamstop slot machine or Book of Ra slot not on GamStop. If you like specific providers, you will find plenty of them and probably your favourite, too. There are NetEnt slots not on GamStop, Big Time Gaming slots not on GamStop, Blueprint Gaming slots, Yggdrasil slots, Microgaming slots not on GamStop, Push Gaming slots, Pragmatic Play slots, etc.

Megaways Slots Not On GamStop

In recent years, the biggest boom in the slot machine world has been the Megaways slots, that’s for sure. And it’s no wonder why. These new mechanics brought a whole new side and excitement to playing slot machines as the players can thousands and thousands on ways to win. Megaways mechanics were invented by the skillful team of Big Time Gaming. And thanks to their smart decision to trademark the invention and share it with other slots providers, as a result, we got plenty of amazing Megawys slot machines.
Megaways slots are special as they work a bit differently than other regular slot machines. Instead of classic pay lines, Megawys slots come with ways to win that can reach thousands and thousands up to 117,649 ways to win. And with newer megaways slots not on GamStop, this number goes even higher. With Megaways mechanics each spin gives you a random number of ways to win so you’ll never know what each spin can give you.
On top of that, most of the Megaways slots come with a popular avalanche or cascading feature meaning that winning symbols disappear from the reels while new ones fill in their positions giving you newer opportunities for wins. Winning multipliers are also a big part of Megaways slots; the multipliers that keep increasing with no limit with each consecutive win.
Some of the most popular Megaways slots that you can enjoy at slot sites not on GamStop include the following:
  1. Fishin’ Frenzy Megaways
  2. Buffalo Rising Megaways
  3. Bonanza Megaways not on GamStop
  4. Extra Chilli
  5. Return of Kong Megaways not on GamStop
  6. Who Wants To Be a Millionaire Megaways slot
  7. Rainbow Riches Megaways not on GamStop
  8. Diamond Mine Megaways
  9. Medusa Megaways not on GamStop
  10. Wolf Legend Megaways
  11. Eye of Horus Megaways not on GamStop
  12. Montezuma Megaways
  13. Primal Megaways not on GamStop
  14. Piggy Riches Megaways
  15. Raging Rhino Megawys, etc.

Play Online Slots Not On GamStop and Enjoy the Freedom

Non GamStop slot sites are the perfect solution if you are looking for freedom while enjoying your favourite slot games. There is no fear of GamStop or UKGC banning you from offshore online casinos, then you can enjoy all kinds of slots, Feature Buy or Bonus Buy slot machines included. With the added perks of rich and generous bonus offers, you will be on top of the slots world. Check out here on our site all the best slots sites not on GamStop offers where you can enjoy the ultimate fun with slots not registered with GamStop. Take the full and free ride to the non GamStop slots world!
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AmunRa Casino €1000 welcome bonus and 100 free spins

AmunRa Casino €1000 welcome bonus and 100 free spins

AmunRa Casino Free Spins & Welcome Bonus
Register at AmunRa Casino now and get 100 free spins bonus! Additionally, get a €1000 welcome bonus on your first deposits. Play in the best Curacao-licensed online casino!
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AmunRa Casino Review

Amun Ra Casino has been created with Ancient Egypt in mind. It is filled with references to pyramids and statues from the area. This gives it an outstanding brand that is unmistakable. And because people have often associated Ancient Egypt with hidden treasures, it turns out to be the perfect choice for a theme.
Despite only being launched in April 2020, they already have a beautifully designed website that far surpasses the quality of its rivals. Everything is bright, glossy, and smooth. You can navigate to all of the sections on the website without any problems whatsoever. No glitches or errors present themselves, which is very encouraging. The game selection is substantial, with almost 2000 slot games on offer and many other categories available, including a live casino.
They’ve also got a pleasant welcome bonus and a few other sweeteners for current players, which means Amun-Ra is attractive not just for new players but for those who stick around as well. A loyalty program has been specially made for the most frequent and dedicated players, involving a range of tiers with greater rewards the higher you go. Another special feature on the website is also under development, which promises to give players even more chances to win. And in yet another positive note, the terms and conditions are written clearly and are simple to understand.
Sometimes it can be a burden to find out what rules apply and how you can take advantage of the offers available, but AmunRa has made sure this won’t be a problem. The player also has the option of using a live chat facility to discuss any problems they are experiencing.
This makes Amun Ra a compelling casino upon first glance, let alone once you’ve signed up. In the rest of this review, we will take you through all of the important features so that you can become familiar with, and get the most benefit from, Amun-Ra Casino. It all begins with the sign-up bonus.
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Bonuses and Promotions

AmunRa offers a multi-deposit sign-up bonus which allows new players to receive up to $1000 in additional bonus money. This gives players a great start to their gambling experience because they’ll have a higher chance of winning real money as soon as they’ve made their first few deposits. There are three further bonuses which are live at the time of writing. These are a weekly cashback, a deposit match bonus for live blackjack, and a yearly birthday bonus for all players. These add a nice touch to your experience with the casino, as you can get extra money every single week of the year. Plus, there is a tournament offering currently under development. Further details are not yet available, but it will be packed with gifts for players to win when it goes live. So make sure you keep checking their website for more information. If you’d like to know how to get access to these bonuses, you can find out more in the following sections.

Sign Up Bonus

When you’ve successfully registered with Amun-Ra, you’ll be eligible for a series of match bonuses on your first four deposits. Taken together, the bonus amounts to $1000 if you place the maximum deposit each time. The minimum deposit for each of the four deposits is $20, so be aware you will need to deposit $80 upfront to receive the minimum amount of bonus money. We’ve included the precise figures for each part of the bonus below so that you can calculate how much you’d like to deposit.
  • Your first deposit will be 100% matched up to a maximum value of $300
  • Your second deposit will be 75% matched up to a maximum value of $300
  • Your third deposit will be 50% matched up to a maximum value of $200
  • Your fourth deposit will be 100% matched up to a maximum value of $200
For the avoidance of doubt, the minimum amount you could receive in bonuses by depositing $20 each time is $65.
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Other Promotions

There are 3 additional promotions available at Amun-Ra. These are the cashback bonus, live blackjack bonus, and the birthday bonus. In this section, we will give you an overview of each one so that you know how they work and how to claim them.
The cashback bonus will grant you 10% cashback up to a cap of $1000, with the minimum amount of cashback being $5. You can claim it on any single day of each week. Cashback amounts will be credited to your real money balance upon request every Monday. To get this bonus you need to have made at least one minimum deposit that week. The formula for calculating how much cashback you’ll receive is (total deposits – total withdrawals – credited bonuses) x 10%.
The bonus for live blackjack players allows you to receive a 50% deposit match bonus up to $100. The minimum deposit is $20. Each bet is capped at $25 when playing with the funds from this bonus. This means that if you deposit the full amount, you will get an extra $50.
Every year, in the week of your birthday, you can claim a special gift so long as you have deposited at least one minimum deposit that week. The particular bonus you will receive will depend upon your activity with the casino over the past year. To claim it you will need to contact customer support using the live chat in the week of your birthday.
There is also the tournament offering, which is the special feature we mentioned in the introduction. Each tournament lasts for 24 hours and will take you on a competitive adventure to win prizes by competing against your fellow players. It looks very promising, and we can’t wait for it to go live.

Play-through Requirements (Wagering Requirements)

The general rules for the casino specify that every deposit made has to be wagered 1x. This is highly beneficial for players as many casinos set their rates much higher than this. It means that when you place the minimum deposit of $20, you only need to bet $20 before you can withdraw any winnings as real money. There is a chance this is a misunderstanding caused by the casino, but there is no mention of any other wagering rules in the terms and conditions. However, it is another story for bonus money earned through promotions. There are two specific wagering requirements relating to the sign-up bonus and the live blackjack bonus.
The wagering requirements for each deposit in the sign-up bonus is 30x, which includes your real money deposit + the bonus amount. You will need to meet each 30x requirement within 7 days of triggering the relevant part of the bonus. For example, if you activated all 4 deposit match bonuses on your first day, then you would need to wager all of the money 30x 4 times over. So when you’re claiming the welcome bonus, don’t rush ahead and grab all the deposit bonuses at once unless you are confident you could meet this requirement.
As for the live blackjack, the wagering requirements are set at a rather high 50x, and you can only meet them through that one specific game. You’ve also got to meet them within 7 days of triggering the bonus. This will be quite difficult unless you plan to place a lot of bets on live blackjack games.
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VIP & Loyalty

Amun-Ra has got a suitably themed Egyptian loyalty program based on a series of Ra-Levels. The full details about the scheme have not yet been updated on their website, but they do have a separate page dedicated to it with some intriguing information. There are silhouettes of a few Egyptian gods, and it looks like players can unlock them after earning a certain number of comp points. Each god comes with one or more gifts, as a symbol of a present is placed next to the name of each god. Only the first gift for the first god is revealed. You’ll get 10 free spins when you earn 20CP and unlock the god Ptah. The points and names of the other gods are as follows:
  • 40CP – Taweret
  • 80CP – Thoth
  • 150CP – Tefnut
  • 300CP – Reshup
More details may be provided as the casino develops its website, or it may be that the other gifts are deliberately kept secret so that they’re a surprise for players when they unlock the corresponding gods.

The AmunRa Casino

At the current time, Amun-Ra does not contain a sportsbook for players to place bets on sporting fixtures. This may change in the future if the casino decides to rebrand or expand, and as soon as we hear about a sportsbook is available, we will write a review of it and put the link here. In the meantime, please feel free to check out our other sportsbook reviews.

How to Start Playing

Luckily, Amun-Ra provides a page with all the details about their registration process. A wide range of countries is restricted on the casino, which includes the United States of America, Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, Ireland, Italy, France, Turkey, Spain, Slovakia, and Lithuania. The full list is available on the website. You will need to be at least 18 years of age to join. Here is the process you need to follow to successfully join Amun-Ra:
1. Click the blue Join Now button in the top right corner of the website 2. Provide your date of birth, first and last name, registered address, correct email address, and telephone number 3. Create a username and password 4. Register one of the approved payment methods and make the minimum deposit 5. Select the game you’d like to play and begin enjoying AmunRa
The casino has the right to verify your identity. This means your address, contact number and email address must be correct, and any identity documents provided to the casino must be genuine. The casino does this as part of their Know Your Customer procedure and to prove your age.
If they are not satisfied with you, they can refuse registration and close and/or close your account, but if you do everything according to the instructions, there should be no problems.


The casino accepts deposits and withdrawals from a variety of methods, including cards and e-wallets. The minimum deposit on Amun-Ra is $20, and the minimum withdrawal amount is also $20. You can withdraw a maximum of $7500 a week and $15000 a month. The casino has the right to divide anything over $15000 into monthly installments.

Deposit methods

There are 11 deposit methods at Amun-Ra, and here is the full list:
• Visa • Mastercard • Paysafecard • Trustly • Klarna • Maestro • Skrill • Neosurf • Neteller • Rapid Transfer • Interac Online • ecoPayz
The processing time for all of these methods is instant, and there are no extra fees charged for transactions.

Minimum & Maximum Deposits

Each of the deposit methods listed above has a minimum deposit amount of $20 except for Interac Online. They have a minimum deposit amount of $10, but this is irrelevant as the casino has a general minimum of $20. The maximum deposit amount varies, and they are listed below alongside each method:
• Visa – $4000 • Mastercard – $4000 • Paysafecard – $1000 • Trustly – $5000 • Klarna – $2500 • Maestro – $4000 • Skrill – $10000 • Neosurf – $10000 • Neteller – $4000 • Rapid Transfer – $4000 • Interac Online -$4000 • ecoPayz – $4000

Casino payout

The casino has a slightly smaller number of withdrawal methods, with a total of 8. They are listed below, along with their payout speeds. Each one has a minimum withdrawal amount of $10 and a maximum of $4000, except for Paysafecard, which has a maximum of $250.
• Visa – 1-3 banking days • Mastercard – 1-3 banking days • Paysafecard – instant • Trustly – instant • Bank Transfer – 1-5 banking days • Skrill – instant • Neteller – instant • ecoPayz – instant
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Casino Games

Amun-Ra provides a comprehensive selection of games across many different categories. These are video slots, blackjack, table games, video poker, jackpot, and Egyptian-themed games. They also provide a live casino for a more immersive experience, along with separate sections for new and for popular games. We will explore the slots, table games, and live casinos in the following sections so that you can get a taste of what’s available. You can also rest assured that the site is organized well and everything is easy to find.

Casino Slots

Video slots comprise the majority of the games on offer at Amun-Ra, and these are the ones you will probably spend most of your time using. Amun-Ra currently makes use of 27 game providers including Microgaming, Quickspin, NextGen, Betsoft Gaming, Sapphire, Fantasma, and Yggdrasil. All of the games cover plenty of genres and themes, such as dance, beaches, birds, outer space, romance, dragons, and royalty. Of course, there is also the section dedicated to Egyptian games. They include Book of Dead, Eye of Ra, Max Quest: Wrath of Ra, Enchanted Cleopatra, Legacy of Egypt, Egyptian Fortunes, and more. You can find out which slots are the best according to players using the popular section. Some of the most popular slots include Sweet Bonanza, Buffalo King, Starburst, Rise of Merlin, and Narcos.

Casino Table Games

Amun-Ra offers three main table games, which are blackjack, roulette, and video poker. There are separate pages for each one on the website. The blackjack section is enormous, with over 120 games available. Blackjack Bonus, American Blackjack, Red Queen Blackjack, 21 Blackjack, Blackjack Classic, and Infinite Blackjack are just a few of the types of blackjack on offer. The roulette section is somewhat smaller with just over 80 games, but this is still plenty. Versions of the game at Amun-Ra include Rapid Automatic Roulette, Roulette Master, Silver Roulette, Gold Roulette, Zoom Roulette, and Roulette Royal. Finally, there are 23 video poker games available, featuring choices such as Kings or Better, Joker Poker, Tens or Better, and Deuces Wild.

Live Dealer Games

The live casino at Amun-Ra is one of the largest on the market, with over 200 games. However, there is not much variety. Most of the games are versions of classic titles like blackjack and roulette. Speed Blackjack, VIP Roulette, Common Draw Blackjack, Blitz Blackjack, Standard Blackjack, Blackjack Ruby, American Roulette, and Auto Roulette are a few of the versions available. Several baccarat games are available such as Speed Baccarat and Salon Prive Baccarat, along with a few other games like Super Sic Bo and Side Bet City. The game show Mega Ball is also featured in the live casino. Unlike some casinos, Amun-Ra offers games from more than one live provider, and the choices available for those who want to play blackjack are particularly worth noting. There are simply more than you’d ever expect, and that dovetails nicely with the blackjack match bonus.

Mobile & Apps

Amun-Ra Casino does not currently offer a mobile casino application for either iOS or Android devices, which is a disappointment. However, they do provide a tailor-made experience if you use your phone’s browser. This in-browser version of Amun-Ra mimics the website very closely and has all of the same functionality. It is also free from technical difficulties, which can sometimes make mobile casinos challenging to use. A menu on the side of the website gives you all of the options, and the main screen follows the same layout as it does on a computer. You’ll find the promotions listed at the top, followed by the game categories and then further information about the casino. This makes it simple and quick to use, which is always helpful when you’re busy.

Security & Licensing

This casino is owned by N1 Interactive Ltd, which is registered in Malta with the number C 81457 at the address given at the bottom of their website. They are licensed and regulated by the Malta Gaming Authority with the license number MGA/B2C/394/2017, which was issued on 01/08/2018. For added protection, you can secure your account with two-factor authentication to minimize the risk of it being misused.

Customer Support

To get in touch with Amun-Ra, you can do one of two things. You can email them at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), or use the live chat facility on their website which can be accessed by pressing either the help button in the bottom right corner of the live chat button in the bottom left corner. Live chat is available 24/7. They also have an FAQ page to help with common queries, which you can find in the links at the bottom of the page.

Betopin’s Verdict

AmunRa casino sets an example to the rest in terms of its slick design, ease of use, and visual appeal. No casino is perfect, but this one comes very close. Everything works as it should do, the terms and conditions are easy to follow, and several solid bonuses are provided both for new and returning players. The tournament system looks particularly promising. They’ve managed to strike a balance between being too intense with graphics, and being too plain.
This balance is exactly right. Players will enjoy using the website, but not be distracted by it whilst they’re getting on with gambling or administrative tasks within their account. Plenty of support is available from Amun-Ra, and there is no shortage of intriguing games to maintain interest, even after you’ve been signed up for a long time. The only minor drawback is that the loyalty program is somewhat unclear. The information has not been given regarding how players can accumulate comp points and claim rewards. And by only revealing one of the rewards, there is an element of mystery, but it also doesn’t give the player anything specific to work towards. Overall, this is a casino that could become one of your firm favorites as soon as you begin using it. It has all the games and features that you would expect from a top-quality online casino.
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What's happening around town (Wed, Aug 16th - Tue, Aug 22nd)

Oklahoma City's event list.

Wednesday, Aug 16th

Thursday, Aug 17th

  • 🎨 Annual Spring Show artwork by Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill, Phebe Kallstrom, Margot Holaday, Amy Maguire, John & Marylou M (The Studio Gallery - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 The Studio Gallery, 2646 W. Britton Rd., OKC, is pleased to announce its
    2017 Spring Show Thursday, April 20, 5:30 - 7:30pm.
    The show will feature new works of art by: Lu Beard, Beth Hammack, Dodge Hill,
    Phebe Kallstrom, Margot…
  • Art After 5 Roof Terrace (Oklahoma City Museum of Art - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm OKCMOA’s Roof Terrace gives visitors the ultimate downtown experience every Thursday evening from April through October with live local music, the best views of downtown OKC, a relaxing atmosphere, and a cash bar. (Weather Permitting.)…
  • Beneath The August Moon. Collaboration Of Work From The Artists Of The Purple Loft Art Gallery. (Contemporary Art Gallery - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Beneath The August Moon. Collaboration Of Work From The Artists Of The Purple Loft Art Gallery. Opening Reception Friday August 4 6pm to 10pm. Show Runs From August 4 Thru August 31. The Purple Loft Art Gallery. 514 NW 28. For More…
  • 🎓 Oklahoma City Career Fair (Embassy Suites - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00am Oklahoma City Professional Career Event - Sales & Management Specific
    Here at HireLive, we take a personal approach when working with both companies looking to hire and candidates in search of a career change. Our specialized hiring…
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s Dickinson Research Center reveal another influence —…
  • Ceramics, Fiber and More - featuring the work of artists from the Guthrie Art Center (Owens Place Art Museum - Guthrie) Day 2 of 2 1202 E Harrison Ave
    The Owens Arts Place Museum will open a new show - Ceramics, Fiber and More - featuring the work of artists from the Guthrie Art Center. The opening reception is scheduled for Sunday July 9, 2017 at 3 pm. The show…
  • 🎓 Chairman's Event (Oklahoma Christian University, Edmond, OK - Edmond) Start Time: 8:00am Host Sponsor Chairman's Event Date: 08/17/2017 Time: 8:00 am - 9:30 am Location: Oklahoma Christian University 2501 E. Memorial Road Edmond, OK 73013 Map to Event Add to My Calendar This breakfast will feature U.S. Rep. Tom Cole.…
  • 🎨 Drawing the Portrait in Charcoal with Monte Thompson (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Use charcoal’s expressive quality to capture emotion and personality with a live model. Learn how to incorporate gesture, line, and value using vine and compressed charcoal. This session features one-on-one instruction with a renowned…
  • 🎨 Drink and Draw (Tree and Leaf - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Drink & Draw is hosted every Thursday at either Brass Bell Studios, The Okay See, or Tree & Leaf from 8-11pm.
    Here is the weekly schedule:
    1st Thursday: The Okay See
    2nd Thursday: Brass Bell Studios
    3rd - 4th - 5th Thursdays:…
  • 🎨 Eclipse Pinhole Viewer Craft (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 4:00pm All ages event! Special Eclipse glasses aren’t the only way to view the upcoming Solar Eclipse. Join Miss Kris as we make special Pinhole Viewers, supplies is on a first come first serve basis. This is a make and take event! All this…
  • Exhibit by Connie Seabourn (50 Penn Art Gallery - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Exhibit by Connie Seabourn, through Aug. 31, 50 Penn Place Art Gallery, 1900 Northwest Expressway, 848-7588.
  • Extended Summer Hours (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm “Pourings on the Plaza” offers guests a cash bar in the elegant covered area of the Western States Plaza. Grassland Caravan performs progressive bluegrass, honoring the genre’s roots with traditional tunes and new music, between…
  • Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers (The Cube - Bethany) Start Time: 6:30pm Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers - USA is a national non-profit organization dedicated to ministering to the spiritual and emotional needs of the men and women serving in the US law enforcement community.
  • 🎨 Film Screening: The Cool School (IAO Gallery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Join us on Thursday, August 17th from 6:30-8:30pm at the IAO Gallery in Film Row for a film screening & discussion of The Cool School, a film by Morgan Neville. This Café Society Film Screening is presented in conjunction with the…
  • 😂 Greg Morton (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Thru Sat, Aug 19th SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy…
  • Guerrilla Art Park (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Oklahoma Contemporary’s second edition of Guerrilla Art Park features six Oklahoma artists, ranging from emerging to well established. This year, many of the artists chose to focus on the outdoors as seen in Liz Dueck’s ceramic…
  • Harry Potter Night (Teens) (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 6:00pm Did you get your letter? Sign up and you will! Pick up your school supplies, be sorted and attend your potions class. Don’t Be Late or DETENTION! Cosplay greatly encouraged. 20 Letters available (8 tickets left)! Get a chance to…
  • "’Lucem Ferre’ (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Day 2 of 2 UCO’S MELTON GALLERY BEGINS 2016-17 SEASON WITH ‘LUCEM FERRE,’ AN EXHIBITION OF BIOLOGY-INSPIRED ART The University of Central Oklahoma Melton Gallery will open “Lucem Ferre,” an exhibition featuring the silicone artworks of…
  • 🎨 On the Surface" art exhibit by Larry Hefner, Behnaz Sohrabian and Laura Nugent. 6 p.m. reception (JRB Art at the Elms - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma – JRB Art At The Elms presents “On The Surface”. This August exhibit will feature the work of three very skilled artists whose work often appears to the casual eye to be different than it does under…
  • "Our ‘Husbands and Wives’ are as different as two peas in a pod", rec (Studio112 and a Half - Shawnee) Day 2 of 2 MEDIA RELEASE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: SHAWNEE, OK. 7/25/2017
    Husbands and Wives to feature at Studio 112 and a half in August
    “Our ‘Husbands and Wives’ are as different as two peas in a pod”, says Douglas Gordon curator at…
  • Outside" Sheridan Underpass Mural Artists (Exhibit C - Oklahoma City) The four American Indian artists behind Bricktown’s newest underpass murals on Sheridan Avenue will have their award-winning artwork on display at Exhibit C in Bricktown July 1, 2017 through October 31, 2017.
    The show titled…
  • 🎓 Parkview Breakfast (Touchmark at Coffee Creek - Edmond) Start Time: 8:30am Come and enjoy a delicious breakfast cooked and served by the Touchmark Sales Team. Spend time with neighbors and see what the FULL Life is all about. RSVP by August 16th to 405-340-1975.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Management Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm PTSD is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience of witnessing of life-threatening events such as military combat, natural disasters, terrorist incidents, serious accidents, or physical or sexual assault in adult or…
  • Pourings on the Plaza - Michael and Lela Dalby (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Pourings on the Plaza offers guests a cash bar in the elegant covered area of the Western States Plaza. Visit the Museum’s collections and exhibitions, browse The Museum Store, grab a bite at a food truck, and enjoy different live…
  • 🎭 Private Lives (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎓 Red Dirt Books & Bottles (Waters Edge Winery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm The Red Dirt Books & Bottles Event is a statewide event that will allow you to the chance to meet, engage and support authors from different areas of Oklahoma.
    As a result of attending you will learn about the stories that burned in the…
  • 🎨 Summer Adult Classes (Oklahoma Contemporary - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 10:00am Expand your skills and explore your creativity this summer. Enrollment opens May 4 for our four- and eight-week classes designed for artists at any level. Under the guidance of experienced instructors, classes are available in ceramics,…
  • Summer ShootOut Barrel Racing (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 20th Watch some hard hitting barrel racing at the Summer ShootOut Barrel Races at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma…
  • 🎨 Summer Signature Tour (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 1:00pm Meets at Canyon Princess (cougar sculpture in West Hallway) From Remington and Russell to Native American works, see some of the finest Western art in the country during this docent-facilitated Museum tour. View ethnographic material…
  • Survivors of Suicide Support Group (Mental Health Association Oklahoma main office - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm Nearly 31,000 people take their own lives each year. As a survivor – a family member or friend of the victim – you may need help coming to terms with suicide. This group offers the opportunity to share, listen, teach and learn with…
  • 🎭 To Kill A Mockingbird (Jewel Box Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm PERFORMANCE TIMES Thursday ~ Saturday 8:00pm Sunday 2:30pm
  • 🎨 UnqSearch," artwork by Marc Barker, David Crismon, Tony Dyke, Susan Morrison-Dyke, George Oswalt, Klint Schor and John Wolfe rec (Artspace At Untitled - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Unquenchable Search Unquenchable Search by Marc Barker | David Crismon | Tony Dyke | Susan Morrison-Dyke | George Oswalt | Klint Schor | John Wolfe
    Artwork on display from July 27th - August 19th
    Opening Reception Thursday, July…
  • Vein (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm with Sanction, Buried Dreams, The Tooth, Piece of Mind, Upright and Death Trap
  • 🎨 Vintage Black Heroes: The Chisholm Kid (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Start Time: 10:00am The first black cowboy to be featured in a comic strip, The Chisholm Kid appeared from 1950 – 1954 in the Pittsburgh Courier’s comic insert. To mark the 150th anniversary of the Chisholm Trail – and to pay homage to the 5,000 –…

Friday, Aug 18th

  • 3rd Friday Block pARTy (Downtown - Shawnee) During the 3rd Friday Block pARTy in Shawnee, local restaurants, art galleries and merchants are open late in the…
  • 🎭 4 of a Kind (American Legion Post 12 - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • 🎨 Artwork by Benjamin Harjo Jr., David Holland and Nancy Junkin (Howell Gallery - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm Benjamin Harjo, Jr., David Holland, and Nancy Junkin on hand to meet public
    OKC, OK: Coffee with the Artists, a popular event at The Howell Gallery, will take place on Saturday, August 12, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and is an opportunity…
  • Backroom Showcase 2 (89th Street Collective - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:00pm 2 NIGHT SHOWCASE Night 1 - Friday August 18 Martial Law, History Repeats, Omen, 2 TBA
    Night 2 - Saturday August 19 Time Walk, No Altars, Kharma, SHAME, SLEDGE, Rusehc, The Tooth $10 each night $5 if you bring a new person $5 if you are…
  • Blanchard Bluegrass Festival (Lions Park - Blanchard) Day 1 of 2 There's fun for the whole family as over ten of the best bluegrass bands in Oklahoma perform at the annual Blanchard…
  • Brian Lynn Jones and the Misfit Cowboys (Remington Park - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 9:00pm
  • 🎨 Cartoons & Comics: The Early Art of Tom Ryan (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am Acclaimed Western artist Tom Ryan (1922-2011) spoke often about those who inspired him: N.C. Wyeth, Howard Pyle, Frank Reilly, even Rembrandt. Yet sketches from the Museum’s Dickinson Research Center reveal another influence —…
  • 🍴 Celebrate National Fajita Day (On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 11:00am For a second year in a row, On The Border Mexican Grill & Cantina is ready to celebrate National Fajita Day on Aug., 18th! Fajitas aren’t just a meal, they’re an experience – with a steamy sizzle you can see, smell, and hear from…
  • Central Dissent Call for Papers (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 2:00pm The deadline has been extended! Feel free to submit your work! The Central Dissent is the University of Central Oklahoma's first journal of Gender and Sexuality. This interdisciplinary academic journal accepts undergraduate and…
  • "The Chainsaw Artist" By Russ Tall Chief (Osage) (Jacobson House - Norman) Start Time: 8:00pm From: Russ Tallchief [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2017 8:59 AM To: Brandy McDonnell Subject: The Chainsaw Artist
    Hi Brandy,
    Here is info on the play performance in Norman on Aug 11-12 and 18-19. Hope…
  • Disco Cocktail Cruise (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 5:00pm Shake your groove thing! Rock the boat, but don’t tip the boat over! Disco atmosphere, party mix and adult beverages all are awaiting you! View the evening Ferry Schedule online for evening departure times. Pay regular ferry price as…
  • 🎭 "Elvis" Celebrating the King of Rock and Roll with Joshua Vanover (The Yellow Rose Dinner Theatre - Moore) Start Time: 6:30pm THE YELLOW ROSE DINNER THEATRE
    AUGUST 11TH-26TH
  • 🏆 FireLake Championship Boxing presented by Automax (Firelake Arena - Shawnee) Start Time: 6:00pm
  • Flare Your Eclipse Glasess Craft (Guthrie Library - Guthrie) Start Time: 4:00pm All ages event! With Solar Eclipse Glasses Provided by Star Net, NASA@MyLibrary, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, and the Research Corporation for Science Advancement. Join the Guthrie Library as we add a bit of "flare" to your…
  • 😂 Greg Morton (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) 1 day left SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy…
  • Hellyeah et al. (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City)
  • Hellyeah // OKC (Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm HELLYEAH Friday August 18 - Diamond Ballroom 7pm Doors All Ages Tix: Buy For Less, Uptown Grocery, 866-977-6849 - Direct Link:
  • Kali Ra (The Boarding House Game Lounge - Guthrie) Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Lake Street Dive (Jones Assembly of God - Jones)
  • Live at The Opolis: Album Release Show (Opolis Prod - Norman) Start Time: 6:00pm Do you like vocal harmonies, sonic escapes, and kicking bass? Are you tired of listening to the over-priced, unreliable Other Guy's music? Whether you’re back to school or in need of break, we have just what the doctor ordered.…
  • 🎨 OKC: Filmography - "Four Sheets to the Wind" (21C Museum Hotel - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Art goes to the movies with 21c Oklahoma City’s Filmography, a free monthly film series at 21c Oklahoma City in partnership with deadCenter Film and the OKC Film Society. Filmography takes place on the third Friday of each month. In…
  • Old Bulldog Band (University of Central Oklahoma - Edmond) Start Time: 7:30pm Fri, August 18th DOORS: 6PM - SHOW: 7:30PM TICKETS
  • 🎓 POP Champagne & Spirit Tasting (Mercedes-Benz of OKC Showroom - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 6:30pm St. Anthony Foundation and Byron's Liquor Warehouse invite you to POP! Champagne and Spirit Tasting on Friday, August 18 from 6:30 – 9:00 p.m. This one-of-a-kind event features small bites, live music, a raffle and a vast array of…
  • Premiere on Film Row (Film Row - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 7:00pm The Film Row District hosts Premiere on Film Row, a monthly block party, from 7-10 p.m. along W. Sheridan Avenue between Dewey and Shartel downtown.
    Premiere on Film Row is a family-friendly event on the third Friday of each month,…
  • 🎭 Private Lives (Paseo - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm
  • Ribbon Cutting At A1 (A1 Pet Emporium Main - Edmond) Start Time: 10:00am Our Edmond Store is now part of the Edmond Chamber of Commerce. We are very pleased to be a part of this wonderful organization. As a way of saying "Thank you for joining" they will be doing a ribbon cutting at our Edmond store. We…
  • Sinbad (Hudson Performance Hall - Oklahoma City) Sinbad brings his energetic, in-your-face style of comedy to Hudson Performance Hall in Oklahoma City. For the last two…
  • Summer ShootOut Barrel Racing (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Thru Sun, Aug 20th Watch some hard hitting barrel racing at the Summer ShootOut Barrel Races at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma…
  • 🎨 Summer Signature Tour (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 1:00pm Meets at Canyon Princess (cougar sculpture in West Hallway) From Remington and Russell to Native American works, see some of the finest Western art in the country during this docent-facilitated Museum tour. View ethnographic material…
  • Sunset River Cruise (Oklahoma River Cruises - Oklahoma City) Start Time: 8:00pm Departs Exchange Landing | Last 3 Fridays (June – September) | $35/person Relax and recharge on the deck in the fresh Oklahoma breeze or inside the climate-controlled cabin while on an hour and a half sunset cruise enjoying…
  • 🎭 To Kill A Mockingbird (Jewel Box Theatre - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 Start Time: 8:00pm PERFORMANCE TIMES Thursday ~ Saturday 8:00pm Sunday 2:30pm
  • 🎨 Vintage Black Heroes: The Chisholm Kid (Western Heritage Museum - Oklahoma City) Last Day Start Time: 10:00am The first black cowboy to be featured in a comic strip, The Chisholm Kid appeared from 1950 – 1954 in the Pittsburgh Courier’s comic insert. To mark the 150th anniversary of the Chisholm Trail – and to pay homage to the 5,000 –…

Saturday, Aug 19th

  • Blanchard Bluegrass Festival (Lions Park - Blanchard) Day 2 of 2 There's fun for the whole family as over ten of the best bluegrass bands in Oklahoma perform at the annual Blanchard…
  • Body Worx Car Show (Beacon Drive In Theatre - Guthrie) Head to Guthrie to inspect the shiny and well-recognized cars on display. During the Body Worx Car Show, guests can…
  • Dandy Lion Daze Car Show (Moore High School Football Stadium - Moore) Start Time: 8:00am Dandy Lion Daze Inaugural Car Show Moore High School 300 N. Eastern Ave. Moore, OK This is a rescheduled event due to rain on April 29th.
    Registration begins at 8 AM $20 Entry Fee Before 8/1/17 $25 after 8/1/17 Register at…
  • Downtown Edmond Historic Tours (Downtown - Edmond) Join experts with the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust to learn something new with a downtown tour of historic Edmond.…
  • Eat's on 8th & Harvey (Oklahoma City) Eat's on 8th & Harvey is a free, monthly family-friendly food truck festival that offers some of the finest…
  • Ghosts of Fort Reno Tour (Historic Fort Reno - El Reno) Come along on an exciting and spooky ghost tour at El Reno's historic Fort Reno. This ghost tour includes…
  • 😂 Greg Morton (Loony Bin Comedy Club - Oklahoma City) Last Day SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Thursday 8/17/2017 @ 7:30 PM Buy Ticket SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT | 21 & over Show Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 8:00 PM Arrival Time:Friday 8/18/2017 @ 7:15 PM Buy…
  • Heard on Hurd (Edmond) On the third Saturday of each month, downtown Edmond hosts a pop-up community celebration called Heard on Hurd. Walk…
  • Jake Jam (Grand Casino Hotel & Resort - Shawnee) The annual Jake Jam summer concert brings Oklahomans together over a shared love of country music. Scan social…
  • Marty Friedman (Tower Theatre Studio - Oklahoma City)
  • Yukon Nights Cruise In August Gathering (Yukon Nights Cruise In - Yukon) Start Time: 6:00pm Cruise In and share your ride with us, for our July gathering of Yukon Nights Cruise In! Bring what you have, spectators are welcome. No fees or memberships required. Family Friendly Event with food available at Pie Five Pizza and A…
  • OKC Energy FC vs San Antonio FC (Taft Stadium - Oklahoma City) Experience the excitement of major league soccer in Oklahoma as the Oklahoma City Energy Football Club takes on San…
  • R5 et al. (Starlight Amphitheater @ Frontier City - Oklahoma City) Spend the day splashing in the Renegade Rapids or screaming on the Silver Bullet at Frontier City Theme Park before…
  • Spirit, Mind & Body Expo (Biltmore Hotel - Oklahoma City) Day 1 of 2 If you're interested in metaphysical subjects, you'll want to check out the Spirit, Mind & Body Expo held at…
  • Summer ShootOut Barrel Racing (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) 1 day left Watch some hard hitting barrel racing at the Summer ShootOut Barrel Races at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma…
  • West Fest (VZD's - Oklahoma City) The Western Avenue Association hosts West Fest OK, a day full of live music from local artists, food trucks and more.…

Sunday, Aug 20th

  • 9 Electric et al. (Oklahoma City Limits - Oklahoma City)
  • Spirit, Mind & Body Expo (Biltmore Hotel - Oklahoma City) Day 2 of 2 If you're interested in metaphysical subjects, you'll want to check out the Spirit, Mind & Body Expo held at…
  • Summer ShootOut Barrel Racing (Oklahoma State Fair Park - Oklahoma City) Last Day Watch some hard hitting barrel racing at the Summer ShootOut Barrel Races at the Oklahoma State Fair Park in Oklahoma…
  • Three Bridges (Bethesda Church - Oklahoma City)
  • Watermelon Slim (VZD's - Oklahoma City)

Monday, Aug 21st

  • Solar Eclipse Program (Lake Thunderbird State Park - Norman) Come to Lake Thunderbird State Park and see a once-in-a-generation spectacle during the 2017 Solar Eclipse on August 21.…
  • Solar Eclipse Viewing (Science Museum Oklahoma - Oklahoma City) Head to Science Museum Oklahoma for an eclipse-viewing party that's truly out of this world. Planterarium staff…

Tuesday, Aug 22nd

  • Food Truck Tuesdays (Jackson - Blanchard) Every week, treat your taste buds to new flavors. During Food Truck Tuesdays, a different food truck will park in…
  • Wheeler Criterium (Oklahoma City) Once the weather starts warming up, gather your crew and head south of the Oklahoma River for the Wheeler Criterium each…
  • Yes et al. (Zoo Amphitheatre - Oklahoma City) Catch English rock band Yes live as they stop by the Zoo Amphitheatre as part of their Yestival tour. Veterans of the…

See Also

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